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Last updated: 10th July 2019

Navigation Charges

The charges for providing air route navigation facilities for over flying the territory of Bangladesh, including flights landing in Bangladesh, shall be as follows:

Total weight of the aircraft as provided in the certificate of airworthiness International flights Domestic Flights
Not exceeding 2,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 12 Taka 75
Over 2,000 Kg but not exceeding 5,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 24 Taka 150
Over 5,000 Kg but not exceeding 10,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 30 Taka 225
Over 10,000 Kg but not exceeding 20,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 75 Taka 450
Over 20,000 Kg but not exceeding 50,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 150 Taka 900
Over 50,000 Kg but not exceeding 100,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 300 Taka 1800
Over 100,000 Kg but not exceeding 200,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 420 Taka 3000
Over 200,000 Kg Such amount of Taka as is equivalent to US$ 450 Taka 3750