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Last updated: 7th February 2018

Landing and Parking Charges



The charges set out are common to all Civil Aviation Authority administered aerodromes except where it is stated to the contrary.

Unless an alternative arrangement has been made all charges for use of aerodromes are payable by the pilot of the aircraft on demand or before the aircraft depar4ts from the aerodromes.

Fees shall be paid to the Chairman, Civil Aviation Authority and if not so paid shall be a debt due to Government of Bangladesh jointly and severally from the owner and the Commander of the aircraft in respect of which the fees are payable.

For the purpose of enforcing payment of fees, the Chairman, Civil Aviation Authority may refuse to permit and aircraft to take off from an aerodrome until all fees have been paid. No abatement of any fees shall be allowed in the event of any aerodrome service, assistance or other facility being not available and except as provided in these Regulation no exemption or remission shall be granted.



Basis: maximum take-off weight in the C of A (Certificate of Airworthiness).

The charges for landing of aircraft other than airship at Government Airports/Aerodromes are as follow:


Total weight of the Aircraft as provided in the certificate of airworthiness

Single Landing charges
(Calculated nearest 1000 kg.)

International flights

Domestic flights

Not exceeding 10,000 kg

Such amount of taka as is equivalent to US $ 5.25 per 1000 kg.

Taka 53 per 1000 kg.

Over 10,000 kg. but not exceeding  20,000 kg

Such amount of taka as is equivalent to US $ 6.75 per 1000 kg.

Taka 68 per 1000 kg

Over 20,000 kg. but not exceeding 50,000 kg.

Such amount of taka as is equivalent to US $ 7.5 per 1000 kg.

Taka 83 per 1000 kg

Over 50,000 kg. but not exceeding  1,00,000 kg

Such amount of taka as is equivalent to US $ 9.75 per 1000 kg.

Taka 150 per 1000 kg.

Over 1,00,000 kg. but not exceeding  3,00,000 kg

Such amount of taka as is equivalent to US $ 12 per 1000 kg

Taka 188 per 1000 kg.

Over 3,00,000 kg

Such amount of taka as is equivalent to US $ 12.75 per 1000 kg

Taka 315 per 1000 kg.

Provided that:

(a) the charges may also be paid in U.S. Dollars;

(b) 10% of the landing charges shall be payable as surcharge for each landing or take-off after sunset and before sunrise;

(c) in the case of an aircraft engaged in training purpose, 50% of the landing charges shall be payable;

(d) in the case of an aircraft engaged in test flight only, with the approval of the Airport Manager, 25% of the landing charges shall be payable.



The parking and housing charges of aircraft shall be as follows:

(a) parking charges for each 24 hours period or part thereof shall be 25% of the landing charges when parking period exceeds 6 hours;

(b) hangar charges for each 24 hours period or part there of shall be 50% of the parking charges;

(c) monthly charges for both parking and hangar shall be 20 times and quarterly charges shall be 50 times of the parking or, as the case may be, hangar charges for 24 hours.